OEC Tire Company

Associate User Experience Designer

Creating a back store and order system for international and national car companies like Volvo, Porsche, and others for OEC Tire Company involved a comprehensive UX design process aimed at enhancing efficiency, usability, and scalability.

Here's a detailed description of the UX work:

1. Research and Analysis:

~ Conducted stakeholder interviews to understand business goals, user needs, and technical requirements.

~ Analyzed existing systems and processes to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

~ Researched industry standards, competitor platforms, and user preferences to gather insights.

2. User Persona Development:

~ Created detailed user personas representing different stakeholders, including procurement managers, technicians, and administrators.

~ Defined user goals, challenges, and preferences to inform design decisions and prioritize features.

3. Information Architecture:

~ Developed a hierarchical structure for the back store and order system to organize a vast inventory ofparts and accessories.

~ Designed intuitive navigation paths and categorization schemes to help users locate products quickly.

~ Established clear relationships between different sections and functionalities to streamline user flow.

4. Wireframing and Prototyping:

~ Created wireframes to visualize the layout and functionality of key screens, such as product catalogs, order management, and reporting tools.

~ Iteratively refined wireframes based on feedback from stakeholders and usability testing sessions.

~ Developed interactive prototypes using tools like Sketch or Adobe XD to simulate user interactions and validate design concepts.

5. Visual Design:

~ Designed a modern and visually appealing interface consistent with OEC Tire Company's branding guidelines.

~ Selected color schemes, typography, and iconography to enhance readability and usability across devices.

~ Created high-fidelity mockups to depict the final look and feel of the application, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and design reviews.

6. Accessibility and Internationalization:

~ Ensured compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) to accommodate users with disabilities.

~ Designed interfaces with consideration for diverse cultural and language preferences, supporting multiple languages and localization features.

7. Usability Testing:

~ Conducted usability testing sessions with representative users to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of the system.

~ Gathered qualitative and quantitative feedback to identify usability issues and areas for improvement.

~ Iteratively refined the design based on testing results to enhance user satisfaction and task efficiency.

8. Integration and Scalability:

~ Collaborated with developers and system architects to ensure seamless integration of the UX design with backend systems and databases.

~ Designed with scalability in mind, accommodating future growth and expansion of product offerings and userbase.

~ Provided design documentation and guidelines to support ongoing maintenance and updates.

9. Training and Support:

~ Developed user documentation, training materials, and tutorials to onboard new users and help them effectively utilize the system.

~ Established channels for user feedback and support to address user inquiries, issues, and enhancement requests post-launch.

10. Continuous Improvement:

~ Implemented analytics tools to monitor user behavior, track system performance, and gather insights forcontinuous improvement.

~ Conducted regular reviews and design iterations based on user feedback, evolving business requirements, and technological advancements.

Overall, the UX design for OEC Tire Company's back store and order system aimed to optimize the user experience, streamline operations, and drive business growth by catering to the unique needs of international and national car companies like Volvo, Porsche, and others.

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