Core Complexity Assessments

UX Lead/UI Designer

Creating a user experience (UX) design for the Core Complexity Assessments project, a collaboration between Harvard Medical School and Cambridge University.

Here's a detailed description of the UX work:

1. Understanding User Needs andContext:

~ Conducted in-depth interviews and workshops with psychologists, humanresources professionals, and employees to understand the challenges and painpoints related to job retention.

~ Investigated the context of use, including organizational cultures, jobroles, and industry-specific dynamics, to tailor assessments to diverse usergroups.

2. Research and Literature Review:

~ Reviewed existing psychological assessments, theories of jobsatisfaction, and retention research to inform the design of Core ComplexityAssessments.

~ Analyzed academic literature and best practices in UX design forassessments and psychometric testing to ensure scientific validity andreliability.

3. User Persona Development:

~ Created detailed user personas representing various stakeholders,including employees, managers, HR professionals, and psychologists.

~ Defined user goals, motivations, and pain points to guide the designprocess and prioritize features that address specific user needs.

4. Task Analysis and Workflow Mapping:

~ Conducted task analysis sessions to identify key workflows anddecision points involved in the assessment process.

~ Mapped out user journeys, from assessment administration to resultinterpretation, to streamline the user experience and minimize cognitive load.

5. Information Architecture andContent Strategy:

~ Developed a structured framework for organizing assessment modules,questions, and feedback reports.

~ Designed intuitive navigation paths and information hierarchies toguide users through the assessment process and facilitate understanding ofresults.

~ Crafted clear and concise language for assessment instructions,questions, and interpretive materials to ensure clarity and accessibility.

6. Prototyping and Iterative Design:

~ Created interactive prototypes of the assessment platform usingprototyping tools like Axure or InVision.

~ Conducted usability testing sessions with target users to gatherfeedback on the prototype's usability, clarity, and effectiveness.

~ Iteratively refined the design based on testing results, incorporatinguser feedback and addressing usability issues.

7. Visual Design and Branding:

~ Designed a visually engaging and professional interface consistent withthe branding guidelines of Harvard Medical School and Cambridge University.

~ Selected color palettes, typography, and visual elements to create apositive emotional response and establish trust with users.

~ Created high-fidelity mockups and style guides to ensure visualconsistency across all components of the assessment platform.

8. Accessibility and Compliance:

~ Ensured compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) toaccommodate users with disabilities.

~ Designed interfaces with consideration for diverse cultural andlanguage backgrounds, providing support for multiple languages and localizationfeatures.

9. Integration and Scalability:

~ Collaborated with developers and data scientists to integrate the UXdesign with backend systems for data collection, analysis, and reporting.

~ Designed with scalability in mind, allowing for the addition of newassessment modules, customization options, and integration with third-partyplatforms.

10. Training and Support:

~ Developed training materials, user guides, and tutorials to onboardadministrators and users to the assessment platform.

~ Established channels for user support and feedback to addressinquiries, technical issues, and enhancement requests.

11. Ethical Considerations:

~ Addressed ethical considerations related to data privacy,confidentiality, and informed consent throughout the design process.

~ Ensured transparency in the assessment process and provided clearexplanations of how assessment data would be used and protected.

12. Continuous Improvement andEvaluation:

~ Implemented analytics tools to track user engagement, completion rates,and satisfaction metrics.

~ Conducted regular reviews and design iterations based on user feedback,assessment outcomes, and advancements in psychological research.

In summary, the UX design for the Core Complexity Assessments projectaimed to create a user-centered, scientifically validated platform thatsupports job retention efforts by providing meaningful insights into employeepsychological factors. Through collaboration with experts from Harvard MedicalSchool and Cambridge University, the design prioritized usability,accessibility, and ethical considerations to deliver a comprehensive solutiontailored to the needs of organizations and employees alike.

Project Images:

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