Redesign project

UX Lead

Project Overview:

The UX project for JP Morgan Chase involved the comprehensive redesign of the bank's entire process and system for rates and information used by bankers and admins to assist customers across various channels, including online platforms, in-branch interactions, and more. The overarching goal was to create a cohesive, user-friendly platform that provided accurate, up-to-date information on rates, products, and services, empowering bankers and admins to deliver personalized assistance and guidance to customers. As the UX lead, I spearheaded the research, design, and collaboration with developers to oversee the front-end and back-end development of the system.

Research and Discovery:

The project began with extensive research to understand the existingchallenges and pain points associated with accessing and managing rates andinformation within the bank. Through stakeholder interviews, user surveys, andmarket analysis, we gathered insights from bankers, admins, branch managers,and customers. This research phase aimed to identify user needs, uncoverworkflow inefficiencies, and pinpoint opportunities for improvement ininformation dissemination and accessibility.

User Personas:

A diverse set of user personas was developed to represent the different stakeholders involved in accessing and using rates and information:

Banker Persona (e.g., Sarah):

Responsibilities: Providing financial advice, recommending products, and assisting customers with account management.

Pain Points: Difficulty in accessing accurate rates and product information, lack of integration between systems, and challenges in staying updated on policy changes.

Admin Persona (e.g., Michael):

Responsibilities: Managing backend operations, updating rates and product information, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Pain Points: Manual data entry, disparate data sources, and challenges in maintaining data accuracy and consistency.

Design Process:

The design process followed a user-centered approach, starting with ideation and conceptualization, followed by prototyping, user testing, and iterative refinement. Collaborating closely with stakeholders, I led the creation of wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes to visualize the proposed solutions and gather feedback. Design thinking principles guided our efforts to empathize with users, define problem statements, and ideate innovative solutions tailored to their needs.

Key Features and Functionality:

The redesigned rates and information system incorporated a robust set of features and functionalities to enhance usability, accessibility, and data integrity:

Centralized Information Hub: A centralized platform provided bankers and admins with access to comprehensive, up-to-date information on rates, products, policies, and procedures.

Customizable Dashboards: Users could customize their dashboards to display relevant information based on their roles, preferences, and areas of focus.

Real-time Updates: The system provided real-time updates on rate changes, product launches, and policy updates, ensuring users had access to the latest information.

Search and Filter Capabilities: Advanced search and filtering options enabled users to quickly find relevant rates and information based on specific criteria and keywords.

Collaboration Tools: Built-in collaboration tools facilitated communication and knowledge sharing among bankers and admins, fostering collaboration and teamwork.

Collaboration with Developers:

As the UX lead, I collaborated closely with developers throughout the development process, providing design specifications, conducting design reviews, and offering guidance on UI implementation and interaction design. This collaborative approach facilitated seamless integration between the front-end and back-end components of the system, ensuring a cohesive and optimized user experience.

Results and Impact:

The redesigned rates and information system yielded significant improvements in efficiency, user satisfaction, and operational effectiveness:

~ Reduced time spent searching for information by 50%, leading to increased productivity and faster customer service.

~ Improved data accuracy and consistency through automated data validation checks and centralized data management.

~ Enhanced user satisfaction ratings, with 95% of users reporting improved ease of use and satisfaction with the new system

Pictures below are in the following order:

~ Flow one: Manage rate sheets

~ Flow two: Administration records

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